Eric at the Piano
These clips are mp4's
These piano pieces are not performances but simply excerpts from Eric practicing 2002 - 2012
Sound quality disclamer:
Built-in camcorder microphones compress and limit the dynamic range of a live piano by flattening and averaging the highs and lows.
Some of these pieces were recorded while the piano was temporarily in a basement.
Click on "Eric at the Piano" to return to this menu.
Bach Prelude & Gigue in B-flat 2:51
Chopin Etude in A-flat Major 2:40
Bach Praeambulum in G-Major 2:40
Chopin Etude in C-Minor 3:05
Bach Prelude in G# Minor 2:04
Bach Praeludium in E 2:11
Bach Praeludium in E, complete 4:59
Bach Prelude in D-Minor 1:58
Chopin Nocturne in C# Minor 5:36
Debussy "Doctor Gradus Ad Parnassum" 2:35
Brahms Intermezzo in E-flat Minor 5:17
Bach 3-part Invention in C-Minor 2:13
Bach Fugue in F# Major 5:17
Bach Goldberg Variation No. 13 3:09
Bach Inventions (2) 2:19
Bach Prelude & Fugue in C-Minor 2:26
Eric's "Gargoyles" 3:16
Eric's "Grapenuts" 2:46
Eric's Rhapsody in D 7:11
Fun at the Piano w/Beethoven 2:11
Scarlatti in D-Major 2:45
Eric's "Fat Scarlatti" 3:58
Bach Prelude in B-Minor from WTC Book 2 2:44
Bach Fugue in B-Minor from WTC Book 2 1:12
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Bach Fugue in A-Minor from WTC Book 2 1:25
Eric's Sonata in C 1st mov. 8:11
Eric's transcription of Bach's Largo 3:32
About Eric's transcription of Bach's Largo 6:41
"Millenium" Ballet by Eric 19:04
"Rhapsody in Red" Ballet by Eric 11:57
"Sonata in C" Ballet by Eric 9:06
"Spanish Dance" in E-Minor by Enrique Granados 3:39
Bach Prelude in F# Major WTC Book 1 2:01
Bach Fugue in F# Major WTC Book 1 5:17
Bach Little Prelude in E Major 0:53
Bach Prelude and Gigue in B-flat, Redux 2:32
Mozart Sonata in C-Major 1st mov 4:35
Mozart Sonata in C-Major 3rd mov 4:42
Mozart Sonata in F-Major 3:00
Bach "Siciliano" in G-Minor 2:45
Debussy "Arabesque" 4:10
Scriabin Etude in D# Minor 3:01
"Malaguena" in C# Minor by Ernesta Lecuona 3:49
Beethoven "Symphony #1" 1st mov. 7:55
Scarlatti Sonata in D-Minor 0:51